Monday, March 10, 2008

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Welcome to all

From 5:30 AM to 6:45 AM: Welcome to all, we gave the gifts (Thanks to Accenture, Ordina and IT-JobBank), and Sabrina gave the last info to everyone before going to the gate at the Airport

And Here we are, 5:30 AM, Zaventem Airport, Behind the Desk: Sabrina and David (our Country Manager)

CeBIT Express 2008

Think about it, It was a Huge preparation, that Sabrina - One of our Customer Service Advisor, took care during the last 4 weeks, organising, calling, reserving... well she had a hard work and she went with great results, so everything was ready in time. HUUUUUGE Thanks and Congratulation to her

CeBIT Express 2008

8th March 2008: This was our first event, and not one of the smallest: Plane to CeBIT - Hannover (Germany), Catering, Gifts, so with all the feedbacks we had, I can Assure you that it was a great trip
